Nonprofit Tips & Tidbits
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"Other-Orientation" in Grants
Last week we talked about taking an other orientation for fundraising; this week we talk about the importance of discussing your project to a grant funder in terms that match their values, beliefs, and priorities.
"Other-Orientation" in Fundraising
A few weeks ago we wrote a blog post about the importance of taking another orientation and how nonprofit organizations by their nature do. Learn more about the concept of being other-oriented and how you can apply that to your fundraising to be even more successful.
The Infrastructure Act
The federal government is investing more than a billion dollars in the nation's infrastructure over the next 5 years. But this act defines "infrastructure" much more broadly than you might think, making many nonprofits potentially eligible. Learn what types of projects are included for funding and how you can find out more.
Getting Started with Federal Grants
Do you seek federal grant funding for your organization and mission? These three resources can help you get started to understand what money is available from the federal government for your mission.
Happy International Grant Professionals Day!
Celebrating International Grant Professionals Day! Thank you for all you do for your organization and community.
Board Members As Major Donors
How can you give your board members the attention they deserve as donors?
Writing a Needs Statement
Whether for a grant application, case for support, or annual fund letter, your needs statement needs to grab your audience and make them want to act.
Recruiting and Using Volunteers
Volunteers can extend the work capacity of your staff or add work.
The Importance of Evaluating Your Development Program
To work smarter not harder, you need to know what solicitation strategies work best for your donors and which do not.
Planning for a Successful 2022
The new year is an opportune time to create a fundraising plan.
The Difference Between Fundraising and Development
What's the difference between development and fundraising? They are actually profound and how we talk about ourselves and our work can impact how people see us, how we see ourselves and our tasks, and how we engage volunteers in the development process.
Using Social Media for Fundraising
Social media can be a great way to raise funds but you need to treat a social media campaign like any other. Learn what that means so that you can leverage the power of social media to advance your fund development goals.
Soliciting Monthly Donations
Monthly donations can increase your revenue without necessitating a lot more work but you need to make sure that your donors know they can and should give monthly and make it easy for them to do so.
Middle Level Donors
You spent lots of time cultivating and soliciting the top donors to your organization and planning letters and email campaigns for the broad base of supports, but what about your middle donors? Those who give more than you might get through the mail but not quite to the major gift level. Learn strategies to get and keep these often forgotten donors engaged and giving to your organization.
Donor Retention Strategies
More than half of donors who give once never give again. By cultivating first time donors with programs specifically geared to them and welcoming them into your organizational family, you can turn them into lifetime donors.
New Year’s Resolutions for the Development Professional
In the spirit of the new year, I thought I would suggest some New Year’s Resolutions that you – the development professional – might consider to make this year your best one yet.